Those familiar with the ARTFL Project and our work know that we specialize in handling digitized text. Our primary focus is to develop digitized text corpora (mostly in French) and software platforms that scholars and students can use to conduct research on those corpora. Images and image resources have been and always will be a secondary consideration for us. Nevertheless, we have many high-quality, high-resolution images that are remarkable...
From the Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce to the Encyclopédie

The Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce by Jacques Savary des Brûlons is widely recognized as an important source for numerous articles, particularly those related to economics, trade and law, in the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d’Alembert. Indeed, the authors and editors of the Encyclopédie project made use of many contemporary references resources including, but certainly not limited to Chambers' Cyclopedia,[1] the Dictionnaire...