Section Highlighting in Philologic

1 comment
In many of the Perseus texts currently loaded under philologic, the section labels would overlap and be unreadable. These labels come from the milestone tags in the xml text and are placed along the edge of the text. One particularly problematic text in this regard was the New Testament, as the sections were verses and were thus often small sections of text.

In order to fix the overlapping issue, I wrote a little bit of javascript to hide the tags which would be placed in the same position as a previous tag. I also added a function to recalculate this if the window is resized. My main function is fairly simple:

function killOverlap (){
$lastOffset = 0;
$(".mstonecustom").each(function (i) {
if (this.offsetTop == $lastOffset){
this.className = "mstonen2";
else {
$lastOffset = this.offsetTop;

I also added a function which highlights a section when you hover over its milestone label along the side of the text. This seems useful to me, as often it is helpful to know where a section starts and ends. This was a slightly more complex problem. I had to alter the script in order to add a span tag and some ids in order to get the javascript to work. The javascript was then fairly simple:

function highlight(){
function () {
myid = jq("text" + $(this).attr('id'));
$("w", myid).css({"font-weight" : "bolder"});},
function () {
myid = jq("text" + $(this).attr('id'));
$("w", myid).css({"font-weight" : "normal"});})}

In order for it to work though, you have to alter the script with this:

my $spanid = $citepoints{$offsets[$offset]};
$spanid =~ s/.*\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/a$1b$2/;
$tempstring =~ s/(^<[^>]+>)/$1<span class="mstonecustom" id="$spanid">$citepoints{$offsets[$offset]}<\/span>/;
#... {
$tempstring =~ s/<span class="mstonecustom" id="$spanid">$citepoints{$offsets[$offset]}<\/span>//;}

$milesubstrings[$offset] = "<span class=" . $citeunits{$offsets[$offset]} . " id="text">" . $tempstring . "<\/span>";

That's about it. It may come in useful again someday. For an example, take a look at this.
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1 comment:

  1. I like.. And I like that we now have more precise indications of where we are in the poetry. The next stumbling block is that the text entry people did not in fact enter all those milestones where they might have been, if we lived in an ideal world.
    Let me explain.

    Here's a line of Plato in a printed book:

    457a indent text text text text PERIOD.text text text

    The human reader, if properly indoctrinated from a tender age, knows that the actual start of 457a is at the period, not at the start of the line.

    Unfortunately, the xml runs as follows:
    < milestonefor457a / > text text text PERIOD. text text text

    In other words, we'll always be a little off in section numbering. But it's a good start!
